Dad, are we there yet?

Ever thought about taking the squids on a long road trip? Here's my advice: Forget it. They won't enjoy it, and there's a chance their constant bickering and squabbling will ruin what could have been a great holiday. These signs appear regularly on the Bruce Highway between Mackay and Townsville. Because there's no sign of a McDonalds, the obvious answer is 'no' Instead, send them to the grandparents. The olds will love seeing the little ones, and after four or six weeks, the kids will begin to understand what you mean when you carry on about your difficult childhood. I'll admit I've dragged my youngest child along with me this time, but he's 19, and spends most of his waking hours scrolling through Tindr or Grindr or whatever mating app young people use these days. When he starts whining, I just give him $10 phone credit and a Red Bull, and he's fine for another 12 hours. So does it get monotonous on the really long drives? ...