In Search of the Giant Budgerigar

On long road trips, it's important to have a travelling companion. Not so much to share the driving; more to avoid being labelled as that creepy bloke driving around the outback by himself in a Land Cruiser. Over the years, I've dragged along a series of female companions on my longer trips, with varying degrees of success. One of them concocted some story about a family emergency, and insisted I drive 450km out of the way, and drop her at Sydney Airport. That was in September, and I'm still waiting to hear from her. September 2009, I should add. Others have different ways of coping with my personality. Like drinking heavily early in the day (Heather, call me. I've lost your number). Pic taken somewhere west of Arewethereyet Bay. I'm not sure why it's smiling. This trip though, I had a male passenger. Paddy, my son actually, a 20-year-old veteran of my strange habits and mood swings. So you'd think he'd just roll his eyes, a...