St George, it's your time to shine

I wouldn't normally bother visiting somewhere like St George in Queensland. The town's motto is 'Resources - we exploit the buggery out of them'. Actually, I made that up, but with Cubbie Station to the south and the fracking paradise of the Surat Basin to the west and north, it's something the Shire Council should consider. Cubbie Station from the air Checking the place out meant a 250km detour on the way to my next stop (Lightning Ridge) but that didn't matter, because I was on a mission. St George, you see, is where our former acting Prime Minister learned to count. The former Deputy Prime Minister That's right, Barnaby Joyce developed his accounting chops in St George. I was excited. As I walked along the banks of the Balonne River, I wondered if I might bump into the great man himself? I mean Barnaby's known to like a bit on the side. Perhaps he might be supplementing his backbencher's salary by visitin...