Reefer Madness

A wizard draped in a very stylish purple cloak handed me the fattest spliff I've ever seen. I had to hand it back - it was early in the day, plus the place was swarming with coppers. Some of the heavy-handed police presence was in your face, like the eight police vehicles blocking the road out and conducting 'random' drug tests. Just as obvious were the plain clothes coppers trying to mingle in the crowd. (Note to police - if you're going undercover at a drug festival, perhaps dress like a Rastafarian, not a Rotarian). I didn't have a designated driver. The last of my travelling companions bailed somewhere east of Daylesford, and I haven't heard from her since. So I was travelling alone, making it certain I'd be sharing my bodily fluids with the drug-testing police as soon as I left town. The Age of Aquarius This was in Nimbin of course, birthplace of Australia's first real Green movement And if Nimbin is Australia...